How To Use "Jesus’ Prayer From A to Z"
PERSONAL - In your own devotional time, meditate on and delve into this prayer of our Lord, making it your own; asking the Lord to challenge and change any attitude or practice that is delaying its answer in your own life. (4 Weeks).
SMALL GROUP - Invite two or three others to join you in praying through this book over breakfast before work, or on your lunch hour, including a believer from beyond your normal fellowship. (5 Weeks).
S. S. CLASS or HOME GROUP - Take 2 letters per week to read together, discuss the questions, write responses, look up supplemental scriptures and make life applications to family, church, community and world missions. (13 Weeks)
WHOLE CHURCH - Enlist the entire congregation in following together through a time of focused prayer and study on this revelation of our Lord's heart-cry; how making His prayer our own will help usher in greater harmony in our homes, in our church, and in our functioning as the Body of Christ to make the Gospel of Christ known to unreached peoples here and around the world. (29 Days, including a 5 Sunday Sermon Series) - Ask for a plan by e-mail:
PRAY the prayer!
SHARE the prayer!
LIVE the prayer!
Jesus’ Prayer From A to Z
Acknowledgments / Credits
The first credit for this book goes to the One who awakened me at 4 o’clock in the morning with the burning desire to create a devotional book on Jesus’ prayer - from A to Z - with the letters corresponding to the contributing authors’ names.
Additional credit goes to the contributing writers below who willingly responded to the invitation to participate. They come from coast to coast (plus one from New Zealand); ranging in age from the 30’s to over 90! They are seasoned ministers, college presidents and professors, authors, editors, missions and ministries leaders who have a heart for the unity for which our Lord prayed.
Ahlgrim, Dr. Alan - Longmont, CO - Lead Minister, Rocky Mountain Christian Church, Niwot (near Boulder). Graduate of Milligan College (B.A.); Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (M.Div); Fuller Theological Seminary (D.Min - Church Growth). 2007 NACC President. He and wife Linda have three children and are obnoxiously proud grandparents of three.
November 10, 2007 Blowers, Dr. Russell - Indianapolis, IN - The late Pastor Emeritus, E. 91st Christian Church, where he served since 1951, went home to be with our Lord November 10, 2007, in great honors for a lifetime dedicated to the one family of God that includes all believers. Please read, "Being One in the Spirit", Russ's beautiful essay and prayer for Christian unity contributed to this A to Z book.
Veteran of WW II; graduate of Ohio University (B.Sc.), Christian Theological Seminary (M.Div); honorary D.D. from Milligan College. 1975 NACC President. He and late wife Marian (dec. ’04) are survived by 2 children, and 4 grandchildren.
Cook, Dr. James L. - Hillsboro, OH - Retired U.S. Military Chaplain (Navy and Air Force). Native of Winston-Salem, NC. Graduate of Cincinnati Bible Seminary, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and Xavier University (Ed.D). Taught at St. Petersburg Theological Seminary and Florida Christian College . He and wife Christine have three children and seven grandchildren.
Derry, Dr. John - Fullerton, CA - President, Hope International University since 2003. , NACC Board of Stewards Chairman, Past President, Dallas Christian College. Graduate of Lincoln Christian College and Seminary (Master), Western Illinois U. (Master), East Tennessee State (Doctorate), Seoul Christian University (Honorary Doctorate). He and wife Jane have two children and five grandchildren.
Eubanks, Dr. David L. - Knoxville, TN - Past President, Johnson Bible College (1969-2007). Graduate of Johnson Bible College (A.B. ; M.Th), and University of Tennessee (B.S.; Ph.D). Has visited and served churches and missionaries in 22 countries . 1984 NACC President. President of the Association for Biblical Higher Education. Author of Hebrews, (a Bible study). He and wife \Margaret have three children.
Fitch, Dr. Alger - Turner, OR - Retired Professor, Pacific Christian College, where he served from 1968. Earned degrees: B.Th.; B.D.; M.A.; D.Rel. Author of numerous teaching books, including One Father, One Family. Even in retirement he spends months each year teaching for South Seas Christian Ministries. He intentionally worships with churches from all three streams of the Restoration Movement.
Garrett, Dr. Leroy - Corinth, TX - Retired Professor and Church Historian. Earned degrees from Abilene Christian, Princeton (M.Th.), Harvard (Ph.D). Author of The Stone-Campbell Movement . Editor of Restoration Review (40 years), and Once More With Love newsletter. For a treasure trove of back issues, go to: He and his wife Ouida have two children and one grandchild.
Hayden, Dr. Marshall W. - Worthington, OH - Publishing Committee Chariman for Standard Publishing; Retired Senior Minister, Worthington Christian Church 1981-2009. Earned degrees from Milligan College (A.B.; B.D.), Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (D.Min). Author of numerous books, articles and lessons published by Standard. 1995 NACC President. He and wife Judy have 2 sons and 5 grandsons.
Idleman, Dr. Ken - Newburgh, IN - Senior Pastor, Crossroads Christian Church. Formerly President of Ozark Christian College for 27 years. Earned degrees from Lincoln Christian College and Seminary (B.A.; M.Div.). Honorary D.D. from Milligan College. Contributing writer for College Press, Christian Standard and The Lookout. 1992 NACC President. He and wife Kaylene have three children, ten grandchildren.
Jacobs, Lyndsay - Kirwee, New Zealand - Past President and General Secretary, World Convention (Christian - Churches of Christ - Disciples). He and wife Lorraine made a concerted effort to establish and maintain ties with the various streams of this very loose-knit, organization-shy family of faith, determining a presence in more than 160 countries (now more than 180)!
Knowles, Victor - Joplin, MO - Founder/President, POEM (Peace On Earth Ministries). Editor, One Body quarterly, and The Knowlesletter. Graduate of Midwestern School of Evangelism, plus post-graduate degrees (B.Th.; M.S.L.). Local ministries in IA, NE, MN, OR and MO. Author of numerous articles and books, including Together In Christ. Go to: He and wife Evelyn have six children.
Leggett, Dr. Marshall - Aledo, TX - Chancellor, Past President, Milligan College, TN (1982-1997). Native of NC. Educated at Milligan College (B.A.), Butler U. (M.A.), Christian Theological Seminary (M.Div). Three honorary doctorates: Midwest C.C., Kentucky C.C., and Milligan. 1971 NACC President. Author of Genuine Ministers and An Introduction To the Restoration Ideal . He and wife Jean have two daughters.
Merold, Dr. Ben - St. Charles, MO - Minister-at-Large, Harvester Christian Church Educated at Johnson Bible College and Lincoln Christian College. Honored with the D.D. by Pacific Christian College. His Principles of Church Growth video series is rooted in the real life of growing Eastside Christian, Fullerton, CA from 185 to 3000, and Harvester Christian from 200 to 3300. 1978 NACC President. He and his wife Pat have five children.
Nutt, Dr. Ziden L. - Joplin, MO - Founder/Executive Director Emeritus, Good News Productions International. Begun while a missionary in Zimbabwe (1961-1976), GNPI creates culturally appropriate visual media, working with Christians in over 100 countries for evangelism and leadership training. Ozark Christian College (B.Th). Milligan (D.D.). He and wife Helen have three children, six grandchildren.
Oakes, Dr. Ronald L. - Moberly, MO - President, Central Christian College of the Bible. Educated at Kentucky Christian University (B.A.), Cincinnati Christian University (M.A.; M.R.E.), Bethel Theological Seminary (D.Min.). Besides ministries in local churches and para-church organizations, he has served as Professor and Academic Dean at St. Louis C. C. He and wife Patti have two daughters, four grandchildren.
Pereira, Mary Ellen - Eugene, OR - Pastor, Winema Christian Church , former Associate Professor, Christian Ministry, Northwest Christian College. Graduate of Great Lakes Christian College (B.R.E.), Emmanuel School of Religion (M.A.; M.Div.), Princeton Theological Seminary (Th.M). Served with TCM, Vienna, Austria; First Christian Church, Greeneville, TN; and Puget Sound Christian College. Married to Ron Pereira (say Peh-RARE-ah).
Quick, Jim - Mulberry Grove, IL - Youth Minister/Managing Director, Bond Christian Service Camp. 1995 graduate of St. Louis Christian College. Has served local churches as Youth Minister and Associate Minister of Fellowship and Discipleship. Married to his college sweetheart, Kara Joy, they have three children.
Rutherford, Dr. Dudley - Porter Ranch, CA - Senior Pastor, Shepherd of the Hills Church (10,000 members; eight daughter and satellite campuses. Third generation preacher; graduate of Ozark Christian College (B.A. Church Growth), Pacific Christian College (M.A.), honored by St. Charles University (D.D.). He and his wife Renae have three children.
Stone, Dr. Sam - Cincinnati, OH - Former Editor, Christian Standard (25 years). Educated at Ozark Christian College (B.A.), Cincinnati Bible Seminary (Th.B; M.Div). Two honorary D.D. from K.C.C. and Milligan. Authored How To Be An Effective Church Leader and (his latest) Simply Christians. He continues his ministry of writing and speaking from home. He and wife Gwen have two sons, Dave and Jeff, and six grandchildren.
Trune, Dean - Okemos, MI - Founder/Director, Intentional Impact Living. University of Michigan (B.A.; M.A.). Dean left General Motors to pursue Campus Ministry full-time, beginning campus ministries where there were none, across the USA, and also internationally. Dean also specializes in leading prayer journeys and training leaders in developing intimacy with God. He and wife Bonnie have two children and one grandchild.
Underhill, Dr. Robin W. - Bel Air, MD - Former Dean, Eastern Christian College; Professor, University of Delaware. Two degrees from Cincinnati Christian University, plus Ph.D from Case Western Reserve U. Thirty years of service in Christian colleges and churches in KY, IN, OH and MD. He and wife Linda are members of Mountain Christian Church, Joppa, MD. They have two adult children and two grandchildren.
Veech, Dr. Guthrie - Florrisant, MO - President, St. Louis Christian College. Educated at Lincoln Christian College (B.A.), Kentucky Christian College (M.Min), Anderson University (M.Div.), Emmanuel School of Religion (D.Min). Authored The Christian Minister’s Manual, (Standard), Growing More and More, and God, Answer Me, Please! (WinLyn Books). He and wife Barbara, have 3 children, 7 grandchildren.
Wetzel, Dr. C. Robert - Johnson City, TN - Chancellor, Emmanuel School of Religion. Educated at Midwest Christian College (B.A.), Fort Hays State College (M.S.), University of Nebraska (Ph.D.). Served congregations in OK, KS, NC, plus Milligan College (1961-1980) and Springdale College, Birmingham, England (1980-1991). President of World Convention (2004-2008). Parents w/ Bonnie of two adult children.
‘X’, Brother - Mystery writer - Can you correctly guess the identity? Send $5. with your best guess to: Fellowship of John 17:21 - 953 Professional Pkwy, Heath, OH 43056. Right or wrong, we’ll send you a CD of one of the best sermons on unity you’ll ever hear. And if your guess is correct, we’ll even send your $5. back! Everyone’s a winner!
Yawberg, Robert - Ft. Wayne, IN (and Bradenton, FL) - Retired Pastor, Broadway Christian Church, Ft. Wayne. Founder of Prayer-A-Gram Foundation & Ministries, a ministry of prayer and encouragement to church leaders. Bob and wife Marilyn have been married over 53 years and have two married children.
Zorn, Dr. Walter D. - Lincoln, IL - Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Languages, Lincoln Christian College and Seminary. Graduate of Atlanta Christian College (B.A.), Lincoln Christian Seminary (M.Div.), and Michigan State University (Ph.D.). He and wife Carolyn have two grown children and six grandchildren.