Barnabas Ministries, Inc. – John 17:23 Pastoral Support Groups
Barnabas Ministries works to connect pastors and pastoral leaders in John 17:23 pastoral support groups so they are encouraged, inspired and enabled to pursue kingdom ministry together resulting in the world believing that Jesus is Lord and that God loves them.
www.barnabasministriesinc.orgTraining Resources
6-session DVD teaching for small groups by Tom Kraeuter
ONE "That They All May Be One..." Why True Biblical Unity Is Essential Kraeuter,
“And it should be noted that there are even those who declare themselves to be Christians, but refuse to acknowledge things that the Bible calls sin. For example, in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, the Apostle Paul names specific sins like sexually immorality, idolatry, adultery, homosexuality, stealing, being greedy and others. If we pretend that the things that Scripture says are sin are not actually sin—and that those things don’t ultimately separate us from God—then we have undermined the whole point of the gospel message. Without the cross—without the saving work of Jesus’ blood because of our sins—we have no hope for eternity and we have no basis for any honest unity here and now.”
About – BiblicalUnity.comUnited In Christ International – Tradition is to pass on not the ashes but the fire!
Unity In Reconciled Diversity Recent Video. Watch this message of unity from Pope Francis. Together we confess: By grace alone, in faith in Christ’s saving work and not because of any merit on our part, we are accepted by God and receive the Holy Spirit, who renews our hearts while equipping and calling us to good works.
www.unitedinchrist.comThe Table Coalition
The Table Coalition, the U.S. Lausanne Committee, formerly known as Mission America Coalition, exists to catalyze partnership within the American Church so that more people know Jesus.
www.thetablecoalition.orgThis website is in agreement with the stated goals of the Spiritual Christian Unity Worldwide Prayer Group.
Visit the links to the site below to read prayers by authors from the book, "Jesus' Prayer from A to Z", posted in the Christian Unity Prayers forum.
“Jesus’ Prayer from A to Z”, - S - Seeking Unity “Jesus’ Prayer from A to Z” - R - Revealing Jesus to a Lost and Dying World Jesus’ Prayer from A to Z” - Q - Quickening the Spirit of Unity “Jesus’ Prayer from A to Z”, - P - Perfect Paradigm for Unity “Jesus’ Prayer from A to Z”, - O - One Obsessive Obligation “Jesus’ Prayer from A to Z”, - N - Nails To Nations: “Let This Mind Be In You!” “Jesus’ Prayer from A to Z”, - M - Meditation on a Miraculous Merger “Jesus’ Prayer from A to Z” - L - Learn To Disagree Without Being Disagreeable “Jesus’ Prayer from A to Z” - K - Kingdom Come: A United One “Jesus’ Prayer from A to Z” - J - Jesus’ Gospel Prayer "Jesus' Prayer from A to Z"- I - I, Pride And Jesus' Prayer For Unity “Jesus’ Prayer from A to Z”- H - Home... On the Way Home "Jesus' Prayer from A to Z"- G - Getting There: Unity Will Come, But... “Jesus’ Prayer from A to Z”– F – Focus: Unity and the Prayer of the Savior “Jesus’ Prayer from A to Z”– E – Everyone Included In Jesus’ Prayer “Jesus’ Prayer from A to Z”– D – Dangers of Division “Jesus’ Prayer from A to Z”– C – Constrained By Purpose “Jesus’ Prayer from A to Z” – B – Being One in the Spirit “Jesus’ Prayer from A to Z” – A – Asking for Blessing to Accomplish God’s Will “Jesus’ Prayer from A to Z” – Pray for the One Church part 35 “Jesus’ Prayer from A to Z” – Z - Zenith of Jesus’ Prayer, by Zorn, Walter D “Jesus’ Prayer from A to Z” -Y- Yielded To One Another, by Yawberg, Bob “Jesus’ Prayer from A to Z” -‘X’- ‘Xceptional Unity, by Brother ___’X’___ “Jesus’ Prayer from A to Z” -W- Word and World, by Wetzel, C. Robert “Jesus’ Prayer from A to Z” - V - V is for Victory!, by Veech, Guthrie “Jesus’ Prayer from A to Z” - U - Unity: Command or Announcement?, by Underhill, Robin “Jesus’ Prayer from A to Z” – T – Transcending Unity, by Trune, Dean “Jesus’ Prayer from A to Z” Pray for the One Church part 34